All investments have associated risks which investors should be aware of. We believe it is of the utmost importance that investors have a clear understanding of the risks and any conflicts of interest associated with their investments.
Each investment has its own risks which will be explained to you by our team of Dealing Representatives. Investment products sold in the exempt market are generally considered high risk because of some of the following factors:
- Private issuers are not publicly traded on a stock exchange and there may be other limitations that restrict you from liquidating your investment at will, meaning it is illiquid;
- Offering Memorandums and other offering documentation are not reviewed by securities regulators;
- A Prospectus is not prepared by the issuer, meaning you will not receive the benefits of having the document reviewed by securities regulators;
- Exempt market investments are not guaranteed or insured;
- Ongoing disclosure obligations are lower or non-existent for private companies, compared to publicly listed companies; and
- There are generally fewer governance standards for private companies compared to publicly listed companies.
An Offering Memorandum (“OM”) is a type of disclosure document that may be used in investing in private market investments. Set out within this document is prescribed standard information regarding the company seeking your investment. Some of these sections include ‘Use of Available Funds’, ‘Business of the Corporation’, ‘Capital Structure’, ‘Description of Securities Offered’ and within the section called ‘Risk Factors’ is a listing of applicable risks of the investment. Risks outlined in the OM are there to help you learn and understand the risks that may impact the investment’s performance or ability to perform.
You are not alone in trying to understand the investment’s risks. CVC’s Dealing Representatives will review the risks for the investments with you and assess the suitability of the product given your specific risk tolerance and investment objectives. The Dealing Representative will answer any questions you have along the way. In the end, we want you to be an informed investor.
All investments have associated risks which investors should be aware of. We believe it is of the utmost importance that investors have a clear understanding of the risks and any conflicts of interest associated with their investments.
Each investment has its own risks which will be explained to you by our team of Dealing Representatives. Investment products sold in the exempt market are generally considered high risk because of some of the following factors:
- Private issuers are not publicly traded on a stock exchange and there may be other limitations that restrict you from liquidating your investment at will, meaning it is illiquid;
- Offering Memorandums and other offering documentation are not reviewed by securities regulators;
- A Prospectus is not prepared by the issuer, meaning you will not receive the benefits of having the document reviewed by securities regulators;
- Exempt market investments are not guaranteed or insured;
- Ongoing disclosure obligations are lower or non-existent for private companies, compared to publicly listed companies; and
- There are generally fewer governance standards for private companies compared to publicly listed companies.
An Offering Memorandum (“OM”) is a type of disclosure document that may be used in investing in private market investments. Set out within this document is prescribed standard information regarding the company seeking your investment. Some of these sections include ‘Use of Available Funds’, ‘Business of the Corporation’, ‘Capital Structure’, ‘Description of Securities Offered’ and within the section called ‘Risk Factors’ is a listing of applicable risks of the investment. Risks outlined in the OM are there to help you learn and understand the risks that may impact the investment’s performance or ability to perform.
You are not alone in trying to understand the investment’s risks. CVC’s Dealing Representatives will review the risks for the investments with you and assess the suitability of the product given your specific risk tolerance and investment objectives. The Dealing Representative will answer any questions you have along the way. In the end, we want you to be an informed investor.